
  • 28. Jan. 2016: AG Topologie, KIT Karlsruhe
    On finiteness properties of totally disconnected locally compact groups
  • 24. Nov. 2015: Topology Seminar, University of Bonn
    Fundamental groups of discrete operads and their finiteness properties
  • 08. Jul. 2015: Oberseminar Globale Analysis und Geometrie, University of Regensburg
    Operad groups - a unifying framework for Thompson-like groups
  • 05. Jan. 2015: Oberseminar Topologie, WWU Münster
    Operad groups - a new framework for Thompson-esque groups
  • 19. Dec. 2014: Karlsruher Weihnachtsworkshop XII, KIT Karlsruhe
    Operad groups - a new class of Thompson-like groups
  • 26. May 2014: Workshop on the extended family of Thompson groups, University of St Andrews
    A short introduction to operad groups
  • 20. Nov. 2013: Oberseminar Globale Analysis und Geometrie, University of Regensburg
    Local similarity groups and l²-homology
  • 16. Oct. 2013: Classifying spaces, loop spaces and finiteness, University of Copenhagen
    Local similarity groups and l²-homology

Talk notes
  • A short overview on 3-manifolds [pdf]